Our Top 5 Restaurants in Lisbon

Four weeks in Lisbon is nowhere near enough time to scratch the surface on the almost 5000 food venues the city has to offer. However we did discover that the food offerings of Lisbon would satisfy any foodie! Across the whole city there is a great variety in cuisines and the quality in restaurants inContinue reading “Our Top 5 Restaurants in Lisbon”

The Electric Scooters of Lisbon

If you are in Lisbon it’s really hard not to notice and talk about the Electric Scooters. They are one of Nathan’s favourite things since we have been here. We came across them earlier in the year in Brussels, Belgium and had about an hour whizzing around the city sightseeing on them. It was MarchContinue reading “The Electric Scooters of Lisbon”

Illegal” Chinese Restaurants in Lisbon – Are They??!!

Having only been in Lisbon 3 days a classmate from language school suggested we head to a place he had been to. He told us in Lisbon there was such a thing as an ‘illegal Chinese Restaurant’ which is very prominent in the Martim Moniz area of Lisbon. He had been recommended it, been takenContinue reading “Illegal” Chinese Restaurants in Lisbon – Are They??!!”

Visiting Lisbon during a Global Pandemic (Coronavirus/COVID-19)

Just to start with a disclaimer – these are all personal opinions of ours based on our time in Lisbon and August 2020. We had already delayed moving to Portugal from April 2020 and only in August 2020 did we feel it was safe enough for us to travel to Portugal. The conditions and rulesContinue reading “Visiting Lisbon during a Global Pandemic (Coronavirus/COVID-19)”

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